Fluorescent globe bulbs are specialty lights that are used most often in residential applications and usually in strip style lighting style receptacles. These distinctive light bulbs have a short base and an extremely round top (like a “globe”). They are simple to remove and install with a simple Edison style screw base.
The size of compact fluorescent globes can vary, and you need to be aware of the size you need before you shop for a replacement bulb. The bulbs start as small as 2 and ½ inch diameter and as large as a 5 inch diameter. There are also colored options for these bulbs, but these can be difficult to find in mainstream stores.
If you have a bathroom vanity with globe style bulbs, some of these light fixtures can hold as many as 12 bulbs. You want to be sure that when you replace your bulbs that the bulbs you purchase are going to last for several years. One of the best features of these types of bulbs is that they do last for a very long time and they are extremely energy efficient. This efficiency can add up to a cost savings over time and can be noticeable on your next electrical bill. Additionally, you will not have to replace bulbs as often because the life of these ones is quite long.
Uses for fluorescent globe light bulbs include:
There are several style options for globe bulbs, including warm white, bright white, cool with and daylight. You need to determine how bright or how ambient you want your lighting and this will depend upon the location of the light fixture where you will ultimately install your bulb. The more bulbs you install together, the brighter the room will be.
Once you have found the bulbs you are looking for you can replace existing bulbs in your home that have already burned out. You may be upgrading from old style light bulbs to more energy efficient bulbs and this is a very good idea if you want to save money on your electrical bill. You will also be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint by using bulbs that do not contain dangerous gasses and can be recycled locally.
You do not need any special skills to make a significant change to your home, just a desire to source eco-friendly fluorescent globes and the time to change out all of the bulbs concerned. Most replacement bulbs will feature the exact same standard sized base and will fit into your existing light fixtures. The average globe bulb provides 250 lumens per watt and is noticeably brighter than standard lighting.
Bathroom vanities are often the most popular place for this replacement bulb because most people want good light to see their face. Whether applying makeup, styling hair or shaving, the light needs to be available and bright enough for a person to see exactly what they are doing and these bulbs definitely fit the bill for that application.
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